About Me

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Hi! I'm Daisy and I'm a dog. I'm here to tell you people that you need to learn how to live the good life, live it like a dog! I'm sharing my secrets to a happy life! They're secrets that are sure to get your tail wagging! Now follow me, I'll lead the way!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Live the Good Life Tip #5- DON'T DO THIS!

Dear people,

By now you know that the secret to living the good life is to think like a dog (see my earlier posts if you want to know the details).

But, today, I wanted to share some things that you SHOULD NOT DO when thinking like a dog. If you do what the dogs and cats do in the video I'm about to show you, you will look really silly! I found this video on You Tube when I was supposed to be writing this blog (shhh... don't tell!).

But, I guarantee this video will make you chuckle and will get your day off to a good start!

By the way, if you have to begrudgingly buy a gift for a dumb cat this holiday (I think cats are only good for chasing!), I recommend you check out Pinky's Pet Gear today.

In today's SECRET SPECIAL for blog readers, you can get two Catnip Kick Sticks for only 20 cents, with  the purchase of any cat collar. Your cat will love it!

Enjoy the video, and remember, do not try this at home!

Love and sloppy kisses,

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Live the Good Life Tip #5-How to Get Free Food

Dear people,

These days, money is tight and everyone is trying to save a buck. Today, I've got some great tips for getting FREE FOOD. The way to do it, is think like a dog!

Just try my amazing foolproof system, and people will give you free food every time! If you practice in front of a mirror, before trying this out, you'll have the best results.

#1) Sit under the dining room table during mealtime and look really sad.

There is a HUGE payoff for you if there are small children in the family who do not like to eat meat or cheese. Once you look sad, target the non-meat and cheese eaters in the family by "accidentally" brushing against them with your foot.

#2) Sit near the stove during meal preparation time and look really sad.

The key to making this system work is EYE CONTACT, you must make eye contact. Once people see you sad eye look, they turn into a mushy mess that you can easily manipulate. The food scraps will fly your way, once you accomplish this!

#3) Sit on the floor next to the couch during football, baseball, or basketball games and stare at the people on the couch.

YOU MUST LOOK SAD and YOU MUST MAKE EYE CONTACT. Once you make eye contact, move closer to the couch and put your chin on a person's leg, then LOOK EVEN SADDER.

This system will get you free snacks (go for the meat and cheese. vegetables are okay, too). It can also get you free affection, especially short pats on the head.

While we're talking about food. Veterinarians will probably tell you to not feed your dog any kind of people food.

For those of you who do give your dog people food treats, there are some things people should never allow dogs to eat, because the foods are toxic to dogs. The list of dangerous foods below is from the ASPCA. For more details, click here for the ASPCA website article.

Toxic Foods to Avoid Feeding Pets

Coffee, Chocolate, Caffeine
Alchohol, Avocado
Macadamia Nuts
Grapes, Raisins
Yeast Dough
Raw, Undercooked Meat, Eggs and Bones
Xylitol (used as a sweetener)
Onions, Garlic, Chives

Have a safe and fun holiday everyone!

Love and sloppy kisses,

PSSSTTT.... Here's the scoop for TUESDAY'S SECRET SALE at Pinky's Pet Gear

Dear people,

Pinky's Pet Gear is helping you save money this holiday season with fabulous SECRET SALES for blog readers. Today's offer would make a great gift for the cat in your life.

I know you like to dress your pets in the most fashionable gear. That's why Pinky's is offering a discounted price on any cat collar made with a Kaffe Fassett fabric, just $4.99 plus $3.49 for shipping. That's 50% off!! But the offer is only good until 11:50pm (EST) TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2009.

Kaffe Fassett is know for his use of bright colors in his fabrics. I've put a couple of examples of cat collars made with his fabric below. There are plenty more Kaffe Fassett fabrics to choose from at Pinky's Pet Gear.

P.S..--If you're a dog reading this blog, and begrudgingly have to buy a gift for the cat in your family, just think how good kitty will look in a Pinky's Pet Gear collar when you chase it!

Now get shopping!

Lotsa Love,


Monday, December 7, 2009

PSST..... Here's the scoop for Monday's SECRET SALE at Pinky's Pet Gear!

Do you like Lilly Pulitzer prints? I LOVE them! Now you can celebrate the holidays with a cat or dog collar made with Lilly Puliter's festive Santa Lion print for 50% OFF!

When you do the math, that's $7.99 + shipping for a Santa Lion print dog collar, and $4.99 + shipping for a Santa Lion print cat collar!


Just go to  Pinkys Pet Gear and click on the "Contact" button to send a message that you'd like the special SANTA LION DEAL.

Be sure to mention if it is a cat or dog. If you have a dog, please also include the collar length and width that you'd like! (widths available 1/2", 3/4" 1").

A special listing will be created for you to pay with.

Now get shopping!

Love and sloppy kisses,

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Live the Good Life Tip #4- Avoid Stress During the Holidays

Dear People,

With all the stuff you have to do during the holidays, it's no wonder you get stressed out! If you want to improve the quality of your life, you need to think like a dog.

Here's my Top Five Tips for Avoiding Stress During the Holidays, Follow Them and You'll Immediately Feel The Difference!

#1) Take more naps. Pace yourself like we canines do. Watch us closely. It's a simple routine but it is very successful, that's why we all do it. Here's how it goes, engage in an activity, then nap. Repeat this throughout the day.

#2) Chase cats. It's a great way to get exercise while also helping other household pets get physically fit, too!

#3) Drive with your head out the window. There's nothing better than feeling the wind in your fur!

#4) Wag a lot. Another great way to get exercise, and it shows other people and dogs that you're happy. Happiness is contagious.

#5) Lick somebody. It's the ultimate sign of affection.

I've got a special treat for all of you animal lovers out there.  These two Shoplifting Dog videos are sure to put a smile on your face this holiday season! Enjoy!

Sloppy Kisses to You!

PSSSST..... Sunday SECRET SALE Details

Dear Shoppers,

Here's the scoop on today's SECRET SALE at Pinky's Pet Gear for my blog readers!

I love the color orange, and until 11:59pm December 6th, you can get one of these two groovy orange collars for 50% off. Yes, that's right, 50% off. Your invoice will be adjusted after ordering. There's an Orange Flower Overdose Collar for Cats and another for Dogs. Orang-cha happy now?

Have a Great Day and be sure to read my tips for avoiding Holiday Stress!
Love Daisy


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Live the Good Life Tip #3- Stand Next to a Well Dressed Dog Wearing a Collar From Today's SECRET SALE at Pinky's Pet Gear

One of my secrets to living the good life, is looking good, which makes you feel better about yourself.

I am always looking good and feeling good because I wear colorful and stylish collars that my people mom makes for me at Pinky's Pet Gear.

You can try to look good by wearing a collar from Pinky's Pet Gear (not recommended because you are a person).

But, what I do recommend is buying a Lilly Pulitzer Hidden Garden Fabric Dog Collar for only $8.99 plus $3.49 shipping during today's SECRET SALE for blog readers.  That's $7.00 off the regular price. What a deal!

Once you get the collar, put it on your dog (who will look good) then, stand next to your good looking dog, (which will make you look good!)

You better hurry!  This SECRET SALE for blog readers only lasts until 11:59 pm Saturday, December 5th, 2009. (The collars in this sale do not qualify for the BOGO special)

Just go to http://www.PinkysPetGear.etsy.com to order. Type SSDEC5 in the message section of your invoice and my people mom will deduct $7.00 from your invoice.


Please also mention if you'd like free holiday gift wrapping. You have your choice of:
1) Classic Santa on red background
2) Classic Santa on blue and gold background
3) Modern Green and White Scroll
4) Red and White Stripe

Now get looking good, and have a great holiday!

Lotsa love and sloppy kisses,

Live the Good Life Tip #2: Play Hard

This is my new pal, Rocky.

I like him, even though he's a cat!

Rocky is demonstrating one of my suggestions for living the good life and being happy... play hard!

Of course, you don't have to buy a Catnip Toy in Groovy Psychedelic Colors from Pinky's Pet Gear to be happy, but check out this video to see what it did for Rocky!

Check Out My Pet Pals!

Do you know these pets? These charmers are some of the best dressed dogs and cats I've ever seen! Why? Because they're wearing cool Collars from Pinky's Pet Gear! Some, even have coordinating leashes!


Live the Good Life Tip #1: Go to the Park

Dear People, welcome to my Dog Blog.

My name is Daisy, I am six, I am a dog, I live with my people mom and dad in a town called Safety Harbor, Florida. I am 24" tall, and have many fun habits you may want to try for yourself that could lead you to a happy life, like mine.

I like belly rubs, naps, eating, meeting new dogs, sniffing, spinning in circles until I'm dizzy, making lists, and I am a huge fan of parks.

We live right next to our city park and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.

Even if you are not a dog, you should visit your local park. You don't have to chase bunnies or sniff dog's behinds to have a good time. You can sit and relax on a bench and people watch, like I do.

You can also jog, stroll, play sports, picnic, read, get a belly rub, listen to music or just take a nap in the sun.

Here is my top six list of reason's why you should visit your local park:

#1-It's free fun. In this economy, free rocks.
#2-The vitamin D you get from the sun is good for you.
#3-You can meet new dogs, and some people, too.
#4-There are many great places to roll around.
#5-You can squirrel watch (like "people watching" only with squirrels)
#6-You can get free hugs, food, and compliments. If you hang out by the park concession stand and look cute, people give you all sorts of things. Hot dog remnants, kisses, and loving pats on the head, they could all be yours.

Oh, and one more thing, you may want to check out my people mom's etsy site www.PinkysPetGear.etsy.com.

She makes awesome dog collars, leashes and cat collars from colorful fabrics from a ton of designers including; Lilly Pulitzer, Kaffe Fassett, Jennifer Paganelli, Amy Butler, and Alexander Henry.

She even makes stuff with Vintage Lilly Pulitzer fabric and Vintage Hippie fabric, how cool is that?

What I like, is getting lots of attention and compliments when I wear the collars and leashes.

She's gonna be having some super great specials for the holidays, so you can buy your pets bright and colorful gifts to wear, and you'll feel like you live in sunny Florida, like me!

That's it for now, I gotta go... there's a squirrel out on the back fence.

Lotsa love and sloppy kisses,